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Adventure into the Unknown

I have a new series of paintings for Spring 2019 inviting the onlooker to consider explorations where the destination is unknown.

Walking by faith and not by sight is the call for every follower of Jesus. While following Him can be terrifying, He asks His friends to trust in Him. Even suffering and heart ache become the catalyst for strength and new adventures when submitting to Him.

I draw my inspiration first and foremost through prayer. Some of my paintings reflect the beauty of the island of Bardsey where I serve as a chaplain once a year. My paintings are playful and bright with an over emphasis on light, hinting at the Glory of God found in all of creation.

The stories of ancient Celtic Saints inspire me and their missional lives. Some would dare to get into a coracle and pray, ‘Lord of the wind and the waves, take us your servants to where you will.’ They would then push out into the expanse of the sea and with childlike faith believe that God would take them where He wanted them to go and spread the good news.

Their example inspires me to daily walk in the slipstream of Jesus being pushed out to share the good news of Jesus wherever I go.