FREE print offer! 'Vesper Flights' 1 to keep, 1 to give. 2 FREE prints worth £6...

Do I still yearn for Your glory to lighten on me?

I have spent the past three days at Breakout gathering, a time for pioneers across the streams of churches to gather and support one another as well as have some direction and input.

Roy Searle led us to consider the ancient Celts to help us pioneer today. Their Rhythm and Patterns in connecting with God and culture.

Like I usually do at gatherings and conferences I painted seeking to capture something of God's heart and what he wanted to communicate to those gathered.

I was drawn to the image of a Coracle (round boat.) This is a popular image associated with Brendan who made a physical journey out into the vast wilderness of the ocean with a small boat and a simple prayer:

"Christ of the mysteries, can I trust you on the sea?"

As I painted the man in the coracle I made a mistake... I spread too much white paint around where the figure was taking shape. Instead of scrubbing out the paint I covered the man in the coracle in an orb of light. He began to glow as he held on for dear life in the storms and the waves.

Soon after we prayed a simple prayer of St Brendan and a line jumped out at me and made sense of the paining I had done: "Do I still yearn for your glory to lighten me?"

Prayer from Brendan liturgy~ Northumbria Community.

Lord, I will trust You,

help me to journey beyond the familiar

and into the unknown.

Give me the faith to leave old ways

and break fresh ground with You.

Christ of the mysteries, can I trust You

to be stronger than each storm in me?

Do I still yearn for Your glory to lighten on me?

I will show others the care You've given me.

I determine amidst all uncertainty

always to trust.

I choose to live beyond regret,

and let You recreate my life.

I believe You will make a way for me

and provide for me,

if only I trust You and obey.

I will trust in the darkness and know

that my times are still in Your hand.

I will believe You for my future,

chapter by chapter, until all the story is written.

Focus my mind and my heart upon You,

my attention always on You without alteration.

Strengthen me with Your blessing

and appoint to me the task.

Teach me to live with eternity in view.

Tune my spirit to the music of heaven.

Feed me,

and, somehow,

make my obedience count for You.


Here is the glory lightening on the man:

Here is the whole painting capturing the storms:

The above painting has now been sold- prints will be available soon!