Thank you for visiting my store. Please note that any orders between the 24th July and the 15th August won't be posted until after the 15th August as I am on holyday with my family. Whoop whoop!

Busy bee, drink deeply

I found a bee outside my door of the conference centre. He wasn’t moving much, looked somewhat worn out as he staggered on the carpet by my feet.

I laid my phone by him and he slowly crawled onto the touch screen as if to try and call the emergency services. But he was much more used to nectar than apple and couldn’t activate the numbers.

I showed him to a few people and the lady in reception suggested popping him on a saucer of water and sugar. 

As soon as we placed him on the saucer he drank and drank and drank some more! 

I painted him quickly in one of the training sessions:

I’m thinking of making some simple mounted photo prints of the painting. Let me know if you would like one! 

The cost would be around £10 for a print plus package and postage of £3.