Over the summer for just over two weeks I had a phone detox. Doesn't sound like a long time but to be screen free from using my phone what feels like constantly 6 days a week (I turn it off for 24 hours a week)- the two weeks felt freeing and good! I need to do that more!
The only downside of not having my phone was not taking pictures, instead I just soaked the scenes and nature that I looked at and this painting flows out of that which I soaked in! I kept saying to my wife, watch and see how the colours and the forms of what I see now flow out into paintings I create in the studio.
This textured abstract scene reminds me of the mountains (more hills really!) I climbed on holiday in Scotland. I found myself feeling very small amongst the grandeur of God's creation.
The painting reminds me also of the vastness of God. Isaiah asks some questions pertaining to God's greatness:
Who has measured the waters in the palm of His hand,
or measured out heaven with a span,
or calculated the dust of the earth in a measure,
or weighed the mountains in scales,
or the hills in a balance?
Who can fathom the Ruach Adonai?
Or instruct Him as His counselor
Imagine the mountains of the world weighed in the hands of God?
The line of the mountains is also very significant. For the last 30 years I have been captivated by line showing landscape and have captured lines in sketchbooks! The line of these mountains are my creation but they may seem familiar to you as I've soaked in line and contours of landscape and merged them onto one created peice. Perhaps I've inadvertently created the line of a landscape you may know.
This painting is created on ♻️ recycled canvas and measures approx 80cm by 104cm.