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'Joy In Darkness' prints.
'Joy In Darkness' prints.
'Joy In Darkness' prints.
'Joy In Darkness' prints.
'Joy In Darkness' prints.
'Joy In Darkness' prints.
'Joy In Darkness' prints.
'Joy In Darkness' prints.
'Joy In Darkness' prints.
'Joy In Darkness' prints.
'Joy In Darkness' prints.
'Joy In Darkness' prints.
'Joy In Darkness' prints.
'Joy In Darkness' prints.
'Joy In Darkness' prints.
'Joy In Darkness' prints.

'Joy In Darkness' prints.

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How is it possible to have joy in the darkness? Without the supernatural gift of the Spirit it is impossible. Only the joy that is found in the source of all joy makes it possible to rise above darkness and encounter true joy. 

In the bible there's a little letter called James, in the opening sentences James, the brother of Jesus writes: 

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

This is my prayer for you, may this painting spark that within you!