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Like Wax Before The Flame II
Like Wax Before The Flame II
Like Wax Before The Flame II
Like Wax Before The Flame II
Like Wax Before The Flame II
Like Wax Before The Flame II
Like Wax Before The Flame II

Like Wax Before The Flame II

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'Like wax before the flame, mountains melt when the Eternal appears, the Maker of the whole earth.' (Pslam 97.5)

This painting and another one accompanying it is all about the power of God over impossible situations in our lives. I love the imagery of mountains simply melting like wax! There have been troubles and darkness in my life that have seemed like immovable objects, vast as mountains. Yet the one who literally made the mountains is also the one who symbolically makes mountains of difficulties melt lime wax. 

The prophet Micah describes His power like this: 

'The mountains will melt beneath His feet; the valleys will burst open, Like wax next to a raging fire, as water pours from the heights.' (Micah 1.4)

Perhaps the most famous mountain moving verse in the bible comes from Jesus:

'I  tell you this: if you have faith and do not doubt, then you will be able to wither a fig tree with one glance. You will be able to tell mountains to throw themselves into the ocean, and they will obey.' (Matthew 21.21)

What mountains do you need moving in your life? May these two new paintings remind you not of the vastness of mountains but the greater power of having faith in God to move mountains! 

This painting is created using acrylic paints, pigments and spray paint and acrylic inks. It is layered with varnish and water, and salt has been used to create a textured effect as well as help move colours on the canvas. 

The line of the mountains is very significant. For the last 30 years I have been captivated by line showing landscape and have captured lines in sketchbooks over the years! The line of these mountains are my creation but they may seem familiar to you as I've soaked in line and contours of landscape over the years! Perhaps I've inadvertently created the line of a landscape you may know!

It is painted on ♻️ recycled canvas from a charity shop, a home made canvas which has been made quite sturdily. As it's on an old canvas the price is lower than other similar paintings that are painted on new canvases.

It measures approx 121cm by 51cm 

If you would like to purchase both I can offer both paintings for £600, a reduction of £120.