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Adventure into the Unknown

Adventure into the Unknown
I have a new series of paintings for Spring 2019 inviting the onlooker to consider explorations where the destination is unknown. Walking by faith ...

He will baptise you with fire. Limited edition fine art print.

He will baptise you with fire. Limited edition fine art print.
A prophetic painting from Fresh Streams conference 2019.

New painting inspired by a grey Monday misty morning on the island of Bardsey last year. I knelt in the grass and it was grey with the beautiful Bardsey light breaking through.

New painting inspired by a grey Monday misty morning on the island of Bardsey last year. I knelt in the grass and it was grey with the beautiful Bardsey light breaking through.
I’ve been playing with new ways of painting using wax and inks. This new painting was inspired by a time of prayer kneeling looking through the g...

New commission.

New commission.
I had the joy of painting for some dear friends of mine who commissioned a piece based on a favourite place of theirs... Can anyone guess where in...

Autumn sale.

Autumn sale.
I have 12 paintings for sale!  Please get in touch if you would like me to send a catalogue of the paintings and prices.   

Chris Duffett Art introduction

Chris Duffett Art introduction

Do I still yearn for Your glory to lighten on me?

Do I still yearn for Your glory to lighten on me?
As I painted the man in the coracle I made a mistake... I spread too much white paint around where the figure was taking shape. Instead of scrubbing out the paint I covered the man in the coracle in an orb of light. He began to glow as he held on for dear life in the storms and the waves.

Busy bee, drink deeply

Busy bee, drink deeply
I found a bee outside my door of the conference centre. He wasn’t moving much, looked somewhat worn out as he staggered on the carpet by my feet. I...

Prophetic Commissions

Prophetic Commissions
Before the summer I painted this scene to celebrate someone’s 50th birthday. It’s full of symbolism and prophetic words that I felt were important ...

Please come home

Please come home
The light of the torch searches the dark seas. On the horizon a lonely sail boat, beckoned home. The torchlight started off a single rather ins...


Epipito. It means to be embraced with affection.

Sketchbook work, a study on grasses!

Sketchbook work, a study on grasses!
Here's some watercolour paintings I've done for a study on grasses for a series of bigger acrylic painting.